Prices vary per puppy...
Dapples usually start at $2300-$2600
ee Creams at $2500 and Up
All Others $1800-$2300 (depending on color & pattern)
**Our puppies are listed for Limited AKC Pet Registration (No Breeding Rights) ... For breeding rights see below
$500 - $1000 depending on color and uniqueness of individual puppy. This is subject to change anytime.
**If you are interested in breeding rights...please be prepaid to provide me your business website. If you don't have one then reach out to me after you set one up. Can either be an actual website or a Facebook page. I want to learn more about who I sell future breeders to. Thank you for your understanding.
** Our Imported Lines will not have Breeding rights...puppies will only come with pet AKC registration.
Full AKC with breeding rights is an option with approval. Please ask in advance prior to placing your deposit if you are wanting full rights.
**OCCASSIONALY We have Studs: They can start at $1000 and go up and come with full AKC breeding rights when noted.